Friday, May 29, 2015

How Important Are Your Emotions?

In the last few years there has been a massive amount of talk on the topic of: being positive, maintaining a positive attitude and attracting what you want through positive thoughts.  The key word I have repeatedly seen and heard is “positive”.  I have often asked myself what does that really mean and how I can achieve positivity? 

The conscious mind stimulates great self conversations, which I call “self chatter”.  We have all experienced self chatter; it’s that persistent argument that takes place in our minds, or continual focus on past negative events which have occurred, leading us into a negative state.  When we find ourselves continuously in a bad mood, or a down period, often this state wreaks havoc on our emotional, mental and physical well being.  When we find ourselves in emotional crisis it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve an overall positive, healthy, well balanced life.

How many of us are experiencing a conflict right now in our professional or personal relationships?  Looking back on the past how many times have we been part of a painful argument or disagreement?  As humans we tend to want to make everything right, or have the other person see our point of view.  That being said how many times do we go back and revisit these past events and try to win the argument again?  A little self reflection allows us to be cognizant of how many times we go back and think of these past experiences.  Do we process and run the past over and over again; daily, weekly, yearly or sometimes even many years later?

As human beings we are primarily wired with our sense of feeling, hearing and seeing.  Our emotions are tightly connected to our thoughts; in order to deliberately, with clear intention create all that we desire, we need to clean up our emotional state.  A clean up of emotions allows the opportunity to change the past by preserving the learning’s and release the emotions that are connected to it.  Imagine being able to remember past events without; anger, sadness, guilt, rage or any other negative emotion.  When alignment within all four quadrants of our life; emotional, physical, mental and spiritual work harmoniously together the ultimate is being achieved.  When harmony and balance are working at an optimal level within each of the four quadrants, rapport within yourself is achieved.

It has been proven that high levels of success can be achieved when rapport is established with clients, friends and family, yet we neglect to see the importance of rapport within.  Just visualize the possibility of how mind blowing it could be to work and live at our highest level of magnificence.  Imagine achieving, creating and making the best decisions due to your exceptional relationship with your Unconscious Mind.  In order to achieve this higher state of being, rapport is essential. We cannot achieve rapport while experiencing negative emotions or states that hinder us.

So the big question we can ask ourselves, “How do I eliminate, or release negative emotions from the past.”?  In my studies of NLP, I have been blessed to learn and also experience Time Line Therapy (TLT).  TLT is a fast effective therapy, allowing each individual to work directly with their Unconscious Mind.  This remarkable therapy has been created with the intention of specifically allowing each individual to review past events, preserve the learning’s and release the emotions.

I have often experienced clients initially struggle with; the release of emotions, or have difficulty verbalizing the learning’s associated with the past event.  On the other hand, when a client successfully releases the negative emotions weighing down heavily upon them, I have often been told that it is truly like a weight lifted off their shoulders.  TLT is effective, fast and provides the results needed to move you toward the journey you desire.  You can achieve freedom from negative emotions allowing you to clean your personal slate.

Each individual has the ability to decide their journey on this planet.  Is your journey one of inner peace, alignment and rapport?   A good relationship with your Unconscious Mind will lead you to deliberately creating all your desire with intention.