Monday, March 30, 2015

Life After Your Child's Diagnosis!

Diagnosis!  This is the word that everyone seems to shun, run from or it’s often the big elephant in the room!  We all know it’s there, however, no one wants to talk about it.  What will people think?  What does this mean?  What do I do now?

Just before a parent finds themselves sitting in the office of a Child Developmental Pediatrician or Child Psychologist; there are a million thoughts that run rampant within us.  As humans we tend to over analyze the process, of how we reached the point of where we are at.  We review in detail each and every event that has taken place, to bring us here at this very moment.  How many times are any of these emotions or thoughts, from the previous events, which took place positive?  It is often described as a completely chaotic journey, which seems to have no end to it.

As a parent we consume all of our energy, time and love raising our child.  The most agonizing part of the diagnosis is that a competent, licensed professional is seeing a snapshot of your child.  We the parent know our child, we know all of the beautiful qualities they possess; their strengths, abilities and most of all their exquisite soul. 

Ultimately we know that the report will be coming to us with a label.  No matter how equipped we might be to accept the label it is always a shock upon receiving it.  It is very much a loss we are suffering or a grieving process that we must undergo.  The reality is; we have received a piece of paper or a diagnostic report.  The child standing before us that we have nurtured, loved, praised and cherished is still the same child before the diagnosis.  A beautiful way to view your child’s journey is like peonies flower; each petal individually opens until a beautiful flower bursts forth.

The most important part of life after your child’s diagnosis; is putting together the resources that best meet the needs of your child.  There are a multitude of resources available; the key is to find the right fit.  It is important to discover what really works; effective techniques, tools and therapy that are a slam dunk giving your child the results that they need.  Trust in yourself, knowing that there is no one more competent, to spear head the journey of success when it comes to your child.

The journey after diagnosis is one which will have many forks in the road, or you may be faced with what may seem to be road blocks.  The list of various agencies that are often used at one time or another can be overwhelming.  Dealing with school officials can also be tremendous, and often result in the feeling of being beaten down or crushed.  Having said this you are not alone, it is completely possible to have a team of individuals working with your child.  Continue to advocate with strength knowing that you will most likely not be popular, however, you will find yourself winning the journey of success.

Each human has a dharma or destiny to fulfill. At times what seems hurtful, or the hardest challenge, often results in the ultimate blessing.  Allow yourself the ability to steer forward leading the way for your child; know that your magnificent, beautiful child will fulfill their own destiny successfully.

There is a life after diagnosis.

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