Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How Badly do You Want Change?

Often times I have heard myself say “I want to”, or I have often heard it from others.  What is it that we truly want to change?  What goes against our inner alignment, causes chaos within us, or keeps us stuck right where we are, just short of never being able to reach out and grab hold of what we want? 

How many times have we started a diet always on a Monday and often give up by Friday?  Or how about an exercise plan; we truly have good intentions and mid week are too tired to continue?  What about breaking habits?  I really want to quit smoking, or I want to drink less wine and more herbal tea, or I want to stop procrastinating?  The list of what we personally want to change is different for each individual, however, the common denominator is we all seek change.

Globally we are surrounded with so many mentors, who speak about love being the key factor to creating change in the world.  The bible, all religions, cultures worldwide and nationalities all speak of love; show love, teach love and be love.  As humans walking this planet we look at ourselves with judgment and treat ourselves without love.  Why is it we spend so much time emulating this to others and not ourselves?

And so, I ask the question when I hear I want to…  “How badly do you want change”?  Are you willing to go the distance, all the way to the finish line?  Are you willing to do whatever it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel, so you can finally say “I have”?  When stated like this, our initial reaction might be fight or flight.  It may send off alarm bells within us, because change and transition are very difficult for most of us.  The logical, rational thought process is yes, this is what I need.  However, when we find ourselves in the midst of change, chatter and doubt occurs in our conscious mind. 

My daughter at the age of 4 once said to me “Mommy just kick the bad man out of your head”, I asked “who is the bad man?” Her response was “you know the bad man in your head, who tells you things to make you feel bad”.  I remember thinking; this 4 year old child is aware of conscious chatter and self talk that goes on in our minds, so why do we listen to it?  This chatter is not our friend and really our enemy.  Why do we give it so much attention, let it steer our journey so that we can’t just reach out, and grab hold of what we want?

If we have the resources in place to lead us on the journey of success, what is the root cause that prevents us from getting what we want? The root cause is often over looked, which is why many times we go on a diet, lose the weight and put it back on in a few months.  The initial following the diet, exercise plan or will power to change behaviour is the easy part.  Understanding why and how we do what we do, is a whole other entity.

Finding the root cause of how and why we do what we do, leads us to acquiring true change.  As we breakthrough each barrier we also come into perfect alignment or rapport with our unconscious mind.  The term “Breakthrough” is really how it is stated, breaking through the barriers, no matter how uncomfortable or difficult.  Once we come to the conclusion that we really want change and our pain is greater than what we can handle, at this point we can plunge forward with what we desire.

So the question I leave you with, "How badly do you want change?

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