How can you be Board Certified in Hypnosis in just 2.5 days?
You can do this easily and effortlessly with:
Full attendance of all 2.5 days
Successful completion and return of take home exam.
Location to be determined!
Training Dates
January 29-31, 2016
February 12-14, 2016
February 26-28, 2016
Friday Evening 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
How can you receive maximum value in just 2.5 days?
- This course is taught
by Board Certified Trainers of Hypnosis
- Practical’s on site with supervision of Trainers
- Practical’s on site with supervision of Trainers
- Learn the highest
level of Hypnotic Language
- Learn to use self Hypnosis
How can you benefit by this
Working in the field of therapy can
benefit using this
excellent tool with patients and clients.
Does your child experience anxiety,
learning challenges or ADHD? Hypnosis is
a brilliant tool for your child to achieve success, be empowered and find their
Self Hypnosis
Anyone who has the desire to achieve
ultimate best can benefit by learning:
- Appropriate suggestions to the
Unconscious Mind
- Align and achieve rapport with the
Unconscious Mind
Training Fees
This 2.5 day fast track course with
Board Certification is $999 +HST
We are offering our very first course at 750 +HST.
Groups of 3 or more signing up on the same credit card $699 +HST
A non refundable Deposit
of $100 is required upon sign-up and balance paid in full by December 1st,
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