Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Begin Creating Your Journey to Success

Have you ever wondered why some individuals are more successful when it comes to achieving in all areas of their life?  Why do certain people always seem to attract: the right investments, business, career, superior relationships with colleagues and friends, an excellent spouse and even a superior connection with their children?  What is their recipe for success or their secret to achieving it all?
Does your journey have a starting point?

Each magnificent being has an inherent need to grow emotionally, spiritually and mentally so they can reap all they yearn for.  I have often spoken about the little voice in our conscious mind called “self chatter”.   Self chatter tells you that you can’t, it’s not possible, to stay put and take the safe road.  When we take the safe road and cut ourselves off from creating, evolving and learning we are telling ourselves that we are not worthy of success. 

As we progress along our journey on this planet, we might ponder and reflect on our past.  Self reflection leads us to the gift of receiving feedback; what we receive does not always come in the perfect package with a bow attached to it.  Self reflection is an excellent tool of looking at what we truly want, being able to shape, define and see a clear picture of it.  We are, where we are, right now at this exact moment; however, are you on your way to what you really want?

To begin the journey of success the starting point is to have a clear picture of where you are right now and also know where you want to be.  Is what you desire ecological in all areas of your life, in accordance with your values and beneficial not only for yourself, also including those who cross your path?  The universe reads vibrations and thoughts; when we are clear with our intention we can proceed forward and deliberately create our journey.

Is more required that just positive thinking?

It’s been widely noted around us that the key to achieving our own personal success is positive thinking.  This is true, yet there are so many who feel that they are thinking positively, using the universal laws and not achieving.  Positive thinking and the thoughts we channel are a key part of acquiring success and a great start, though, it’s like reading only 50% of the recipe.  It’s a known fact that baking is a science; all the ingredients need to be added in the correct order, along with the precise measurements to bake the perfect cake.  If we were to leave out a key ingredient or alter even a small amount of baking powder, salt, sugar etc., the outcome of the cake would be affected or even inedible.

Which ingredients do you have to create the perfect journey of success? 

I often refer to the 4 quadrants of life:
  • Emotional
  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Spiritual

These 4 quadrants need to be:  balanced, working in harmony, in alignment within ourselves, so that we can clearly and deliberately create our path to success. 

Emotional & Mental

The emotional and mental part of the quadrant is the key to feeling positive states of: love, joy, peace, gratitude, kindness and compassion within our self and for others.  In order to achieve these positive states, it is essential to clear our own personal baggage of any past or present negative emotions.


Once we are living, breathing and existing in a higher state of emotional and mental well being, this goes hand in hand with our physical bodies working at an optimal level.  Our emotions are wired intricately within in us, how we feel determines our overall health, relationships with others and how we pursue everything we do.


The last part of the quadrant is spirituality; there are many definitions of what spirituality means, however, many people define spirituality as a profound connection between self and the power of the Universe.  Spirituality is the gateway to an innate understanding and connection to a higher level of wisdom.
When all 4 quadrants are balanced and working in harmony we are able to see and achieve the unimaginable.

What actions need to be in place, in order to achieve success?

Once we DECIDE to start our journey of success there may be many bumps along the road.  The journey may become: overwhelming, too tiresome, we might experience financial difficulty or obstacles with colleagues and family.  Our initial reaction might be fight or flight, to put blame on others, or create the belief that success is not within reach.  These obstacles may seem to be undefeatable, almost as if there is no way to accomplish what we truly want.

The obstacles we encounter along the way will present feelings of: pressure, fear, guilt, shame.  This is always a key factor of whether we move forward or away from what we want.  Will you allow your feelings of doubt and the strategy of flight to stop you dead in your tracks?  Your unconscious mind knows exactly what you need and want.  The Universe also understands what you want by your thoughts, words and actions.  The big question is “are your thoughts, words and actions, moving you forward step by step or away”? 

Moving forward step by step with deliberate intention is the way to achieve all we desire.  The feelings of doubt are the little seeds that are planted consciously, allowing our feelings to rule against any decisions we have purposely made.  Moving toward what we want no matter what we feel will give you success in every avenue of your life.  Just decide!
How do you define your journey?
As a mother, wife, sister, daughter, writer, homemaker, business owner, teacher, contractor, student and the list goes on… I wear many hats.  What I have come to understand is that each person has their own journey to create and nourish, which in turn creates legacy.  When we create legacy we empower not only ourselves and others, we also leave the tools for our children to create their own path to legacy.  Define your journey by embracing it, love it and let it flow within you.  
Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. Wayne Dyer

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